Wednesday, January 23, 2008

wake up!wake up its a beautiful morning...stand up, stand up...let the sunshine in

First and foremost, you must console yourself to feel the joy of living. Waking up in the morning is another blessing and unfolds in new promises of excitements and new experiences . So, to start the day right, have also the attitude to make things right. Smile and pray to God to guide your actions. Do your usual routine. Fix your beddings, gargle, cook your food, take a bath and list down the things you want to accomplish for the day. Don't procrastinate or sit down for a while as if you're thinking very serious matters - for thinking without actions are useless. And keep in mind, enjoy yourself while still young, for there's so many time to rest in the land of the dead.

So, set aside negative thoughts, compliment yourself in front of the mirror (no one will hear anyway) and greet the day as if you were reborn!!!

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