Sunday, January 27, 2008

food for thoughts

Soliloquizing is a remedy to a disturbed soul, comforting to a poignant experience, antidote to a feeling of remorse and a better off over the counter drug to remove all headaches and mental disturbances. The proverbs said that your sadness is your sadness and your joy is your joy. All the things that happen to you are all of your doing and you cannot blame anyone for the wrong that you've done. So first and foremost, before you find comfort to others, you must first comfort yourself, for the only person that can help you most is YOU.


Anyway, sometimes its better to be stoical to pain and pleasure. At least, you won't get hurt and the degree of reaction to anything would be the same. Emotion may control your thinking and consume your health and body. Its an aspect of life that sometimes provides more disadvantages than advantages and can even cost a life if not properly handled.


Animals and man are both living things. Just that the latter has intellect and free will. Yet, sometimes, animals behave better than humans do. Our cat is very faithful to us. No matter how long we've been far from home, when we arrived, she's still there. She even met us with great delight as she meowed loud and carressed our feet with her fur. Even if we've been bad to her coz we wer not able to take care of her, still she's very happy to see us back. Where in fact, in humans, if someone is away, the one left or the one away will also find someone to fill the love that the away loved one gives.


If you'll make every little thing a big deal, for sure you'll develop wrinkles, high blood pressure, cancer and a lot more of illnesses. Take things not too seriously at times. Pamper and give yourself a break at times! Deviate from your usual routine and make something new. Try cooking, planting, crocheting, golf, mountain climbing or something that you've never done before. To live is to discover the things that life offers. Worrying is just losing your faith in Him, coz by doing so, you understimate His power to do the things that you cannot do.


Though with people's many differences, there are still some who accepts you fully so you can be at ease and at peace with the world. Treasure them and never abuse them, for they are one in a billion.


A joke is a joke, neither half meant nor a teasing banter. Its only for fun and never to be thought of or assumed as something true.

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