Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Thoughts for keeps

Seting forth career goals may take quite some time. In so doing, three things must be consistently ingrained in mind and be followed to achieve it- common sense, focus and direction. These three words are indeed very hard to follow if you don't know where you're going. You may meet a lot of unnecesary things along the way, affect negatively your perspective in life, change your values and lead you to nowhere.

To achieve a cetain end, you must sacrifice a lot of things. When you really would like to save money for your education, you've got to say no to movies, clothes, gimiks, eating at restaurants and hanging out with friends(often). When buying things, you'll really consider if its needed? if its really a priority? can you still live without it? If all the answers to these questions are yes, then don't buy it. If you let yourself be easily tempted by beautiful and expensive things, set aside a few amount for it without diminishing the amount set for your needs. Don't lend money on someone just to follow your "wants" desire. If you really would like to have it, then work harder to get it. Its heart warming when you get what you want because of your hard work for you appreciate more its value.

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